Somatic immersion: a comprehensive mind body approach to healing


Release stress patterns in the mental and physical body

Gain an understanding on trauma patterns of fight, flight, freeze and fawn

Increase self-advocacy and self-awareness

Improved nervous system function

Better understanding of trauma and the body


Initial 80-minute consultation

Eight counseling sessions

Four Somatic Integration sessions

Personalized action plan


Email access to share questions, successes, and resources

Lifetime access to all supernatural recovery classes including:

*Introduction to Polyvagal Theory

*Calming the nervous system

*Energetic transmutation

*Forgiveness & self-compassion

This 12-week intensive is for you if:

You are at a standstill with talk therapy and need something more

You want to increase your mind body connection

You want to learn about stress, trauma, and the nervous system

You have trapped emotions in your body

you want an educational, holistic approach to healing